samedi 16 juillet 2016

Que sont-ils devenus ? Zoom sur Erik Estrada, de Chips

C'est un personnage qui lui colle à la peau depuis quatre décennies. En 1977, Erik a 28 ans, et il peine à percer. C'est alors qu'il décroche le job de sa vie : pendant six ans, il va incarner Frank Poncherello, l'officier casse-cou de Chips. Ses aventures à moto captiveront les foules et, après la fin de la série, il aura du mal à retrouver sa voie. Certes, il est au générique d'une célèbre telenovela, Dos Mujeres, un camino... Mais,Air Max 90 pour beaucoup, il reste l'inoubliable ? Ponch ?,Nike Ninja que ce soit dans les conventions de fans ou les sitcoms où on lui demande de jouer son propre r?le. Tn Requin Et désormais, la limite est encore plus ténue entre fiction et réalité : à 67 ans, Erik Estrada est en effet devenu... flic ! Il y a quelques jours, il prêtait même serment aux services de police de Saint Anthony, en Idaho. Des fonctions qui permettront notamment à ce père de trois enfants. de mener un combat qui lui tient à coeur : la protection des mineurs sur le Web. Mais aussi de retrouver enfin sa routine préférée : moto, boulot, dodo...


jeudi 14 juillet 2016

Michelle Obama menacée de mort, un policier américain interpellé

Un policier américain a été arrêté pour avoir menacé de tuer la première dame des Etats-Unis,Nike Tn Michelle Obama. Michelle Obama , très engagée en faveur de l'éducation des filles à travers le monde , a été menacée par un policier américain originaire de Washington. L'homme préparerait, en effet, d'assassiner la première dame des Etats-Unis. L'information a été rapportée par le New York Post. Apparemment cet homme dont l'identité est restée anonyme aurait parlé à des membres de l'unité des forces spéciales et des officiers présents auraient entendu une conversation puis l'ont dénoncé.Le policier n'aurait, pour l'instant, pas été arrêté mais placé sous contr?le et relevé de ses fonctions sur le terrain. "Nous avons re?u une allégation sur les propos inappropriés qui ont été faits. Nous sommes pour l'instant en train d'investiguer la nature de ses propos", a dit Araz Alali,Tn Requin le représentant de la police de Washington dans le journal New York Post.Michelle Obama et le président des Etats-Unis, Barack Obama sont arrivés ce mardi 12 juillet 2016 à Dallas pour assister aux funérailles des cinq policiers tués par tireur embusqué. Michelle Obama était vêtue d'une longue robe noire, le visage fermé. Le prédécesseur Barack Obama, George W. Bush était, lui aussi, Tn Pas Cher présent et a pris la parole durant la cér...


dimanche 10 juillet 2016

NWSL left embarrassed after match played on ridiculously narrow field

An NWSL match last night was played on a pitch that fit in the outfield of a baseball diamond. Sure, NYCFC plays on a baseball field, and it's bad, but not terrible, so how rough could this be? Let me go ahead and spoil it for you: it was bad. Really, really, really bad. Due to a concert at their home field Rhinos Stadium, the Western New York Flash hosted the Seattle Reign at nearby Frontier Field, the home of the Minnesota Twins AAA affiliate Rochester Red Wings. The field, made specifically to avoid the dirt baseball infield and somehow deemed legal by the NWSL before the match, was 100 yards by 58 yards. FIFA standards are 100 x 50, and while NWSL standards are higher at 100 x 70, an exception was made by the league office in this case due to the mitigating circumstances. Check out the image: This is honestly crazy. #NWSL — Jeff Kassouf (@JeffKassouf) July 9, 2016 The aftermath of the game, which has garnered national attention, has resulted in some embarrassing moments for the NWSL. They issued an immediate apology, admitting a mistake in allowing the game to proceed. "The field dimensions were not up to our standards, but due to various factors, the league office made the decision to grant an exception for this evening's match," said commissioner Jeff Plush in the statement. "In retrospect, we made the wrong decision." But that's not all. Seattle Reign head coach Laura Harvey was left fuming after the game,Tn Pas Cher and posted a message on Twitter saying they were informed the field was not up to code just hours before the match, only to be told the game would go on despite no improvements made. "At 1:30pm we received an email from the officials that they deemed the field unsuitable if certain aspects of the field were not changed," Harvey wrote. "At 5pm they did another inspection in which they told me specifically that the field had not changed from 1:30pm,Air Rift but now they deemed it suitable!" Air Huarache Pas Cher "For any players/staff to be put in a position like we were tonight is unacceptable," Harvey continued. "The result and outcome of the game are secondary to what impact this will have on our sport." The concert at Rhinos Stadium was a 90's throwback concert featuring TLC, and was scheduled prior to the release of the NWSL schedule. A number of USWNT players saw the field after their 1-0 win over South Africa earlier in the day, and took to social media to voice their displeasure.


Sanders secures health-care promises from Clinton before expected endorsement

Hillary Clinton, in moves aimed at securing an endorsement from Bernie Sanders, on Saturday highlighted her support for a "public option" in health insurance and proposed additional funding for community-based centers championed by her rival for the Democratic nomination. Clinton, the presumptive Democratic nominee, said in a statement that she would affirm her support for allowing states to offer government-run health plans as part of the Affordable Care Act. And she said she would support allowing people 55 and older to buy into Medicare, which is available to people 65 and older. Those steps fall well short of the single-payer, "Medicare for all" program at the centerpiece of Sanders's presidential campaign. But on a call with reporters Saturday, Sanders praised Clinton for "an important step forward" toward universal health care. [Clinton is expected to pick up Sanders's endorsement next week in New Hampshire] Clinton's statement also included support for expanding funding by $40 billion over the next decade for primary-care services at -community-based centers that serve largely rural areas, a long-standing priority for Sanders, a senator from Vermont. Sanders: 'This campaign is also about defeating Donald Trump' Play Video1:14 In a June 16 speech streamed online to supporters, Sen. Bernie Sanders (D-Vt.) promised to campaign against Donald Trump. (AP) "Together these steps will get us closer to the day when everyone in this country has access to quality, affordable health care," Sanders told reporters. He stopped short of confirming his widely reported plans to endorse Clinton at an event in New Hampshire on Tuesday, saying only that "we'll have more to say in the very near future." Clinton's updated health-care proposal was the second last week that incorporated elements of Sanders's agenda. On Wednesday, she announced her support for providing free tuition at public colleges and universities to families earning up to $125,000 a year — a major nod to a free-tuition-for-all campaign proposal Sanders pushed that was wildly popular among younger voters. [Clinton takes big step toward easing tensions with Sanders] Sanders was also moving aggressively this weekend — with mixed results — to exert additional influence on the platform of the Democratic National Committee at a meeting in Orlando. His allies on the platform committee were seeking amendments to move the party's position leftward on issues including trade and fracking. On Friday night, the platform committee adopted language calling for a $15 minimum wage at the federal level, a Sanders priority on the campaign trail. The amendment strengthened a provision already in the party's draft document that endorsed efforts of states such as New York and California to adopt the higher threshold. But two Sanders-backed amendments on Social Security policy got speedy rejections. One would have eliminated the cap on Social Security taxes; another would have created a new cost-of-living index for Social Security benefits to replace the cost-of-living adjustment, or COLA. Clinton on the campaign trail View Photos The former secretary of state clinched the number of delegates needed to be the Democratic presidential nominee. On Saturday morning, Sanders was dealt an even tougher blow when the platform committee rejected two amendments to put the party on record against the -Trans-Pacific Partnership, a pending trade agreement among the United States and 11 Pacific Rim nations that is opposed by most Democrats and labor unions but supported by President Obama. Labor leaders who supported Clinton had tried to mollify Sanders supporters with an amendment in opposition to "trade agreements that do not support good American jobs, raise wages, and improve our national security." What they saw as language that subtly attacked the TPP, Sanders's allies saw as empty rhetoric that would allow presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump to seize the fair-trade mantle in November. "The majority of Democrats, like the majority of Americans, are against the TPP," said Benjamin Jealous, the former president of the NAACP who introduced Sanders's amendment on the trade deal. "Hillary is against the TPP. Bernie is against the TPP. Let's not be bureaucrats — let's be leaders." Democrats opted against that. Just 74 members of the 187-member platform committee backed Jealous's amendment, and only 71 backed an amendment to oppose a vote on the trade deal this year, which sponsor Jim Hightower called "political Viagra" for Democrats. A simple majority was needed to pass the amendments. After the TPP votes, Warren Gunnels, Sanders's policy director, issued a statement: "We will continue fighting to protect American jobs and to ensure Congress does not pass this disastrous trade agreement." The result stoked worry about Sanders's other priorities, including the Medicare-for-all health-care plank and a national ban on fracking, a controversial procedure for extracting natural gas. "They refuse to take a stance on TPP because they won't oppose fracking," said Anthony Rogers-Wright, a Florida environmental activist. "If we want to avert the worst cases of climate change, we have to have more localized economies. Free-trade agreements are anathema to localized economies." The Sanders and Clinton camps spent long portions of the day in secluded conversations, trying to avert a floor fight on climate. They succeeded, boiling down the demands of both camps into amendment arguing that "carbon dioxide, methane and other greenhouse gases should be priced to reflect their negative externalities" and calling for "wind, solar and other renewable energy over the development of new natural gas power plants." Josh Fox, the director of the "Gasland" series of documentaries, took the floor shortly after 9 p.m. to declare victory. His favored change — a call for an outright ban on fracking — had not survived. But the party had codified criticism of the natural gas industry for the first time, and done so unanimously. In a tweet, he conceded defeat on the fracking ban but argued that "we won something huge — a victory for renewable energy over fracking power plants." Gunnels said in statement: "As a result of this plan natural gas is no longer regarded as a bridge to the future. The future of America's energy system now clearly belongs to sun and wind power." Though Clinton effectively clinched the Democratic nomination a month ago, Sanders has been slow to offer full-throated support of her general election bid against Trump. Instead, Sanders has sought to extract concessions on policy issues central to his campaign. In Clinton's statement Saturday, her campaign went to some lengths to suggest that her positions on health care were not new. It noted, for example, that she supported a public option during her failed 2008 presidential campaign. During debate over the Affordable Care Act the following year, Congress considered including a government-run plan to compete with private insurers nationwide, but that was ultimately dropped. During the early stages of her 2016 campaign, Clinton emphasized numerous steps to build upon Obama's landmark health-care law. She later revived her support for a public option,Air Rift adding a provision to the health-care proposal on her website, saying she would work with "interested governors" to offer their constituents an opportunity to buy into a government-run program under "current flexibility" provided by the Affordable Care Act. On Saturday, Clinton's campaign also noted she had supported allowing people younger than 65 to buy into Medicare in 2001, when she was a senator from New York. In her statement, Clinton recounted other initiatives she has put forward during her current campaign, adding: "We have more work to do to finish our long fight to provide universal, quality, affordable health care to everyone in America." Local Politics Alerts Nike Tn Breaking news about local government in D.C., Md., Va. Sign up The health-care announcement came as Sanders's allies in Orlando faced growing pessimism about their odds of making further platform changes. Many gave DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz a thumbs-down when she took the stage for a short speech. "I could not be more proud of the fact that this platform is poised to be the most progressive, ambitious and inclusive platform in the Democratic Party's history," Wasserman Schultz said. Nike Requin Some Sanders supporters scoffed at that. Others worried, however, that Clinton would simply ignore the left after winning the election, no matter what she was forced to agree to in Orlando or Philadelphia, where the party's convention will take place. "It's hard to trust her words," said Cornel West, the academic and Sanders supporter who had opposed the original draft platform but lobbied for the TPP amendments. "Will she really follow through? She's against it, she's for it, she's for it, she's against it. I think there's been an openness on her side to this, but integrity has to do with execution. You can have the most beautiful words on paper, but it's just sounding brass and tinkling cymbals if you don't execute it on the ground."